
beats by dre pro ancient temple the

Chapter 113 total sanctuary
This walking is ten days.The desert of the vast Dan Yin in.The Ji vast sky shuts to fix attention on.Daze everywhere, in spite of a daytime is still a dark night, all go before high speed.
Being fierce to hate sky and Tuo to cross mountains strong 2 people is tightly close behind, fearing him in mid course will have what accident, easy Jia and easily soft these two bond maids, nature is also close on the heels of afterward, two bond maids pant noisily, tired whole body joss-stick the sweat sprinkle Li, but don't dare to speak complaint.
Arrive afterwards, easy Jia and two easily soft Fs through fall behind the speed of Ji vast sky, if not that the Tuo crosses mountains strong take them, two bond maids are not- tired to crouch down can not.
Connect fierce hate clear Ji of none of skies of vast sky actually is what is the row, time start he returns whole body murderous look blunt sky, arrived the murderous look on his body to the utmost eliminate, is like a walking corpse afterwards general, has no destination to walk in the desert.
The on the way also runs into some Western Regions persons, desert roughneck have some to commit robbery everywhere, this Hou need not fierce hate a sky to make moves, the Tuo crosses mountains strong will clean up all who block off road 1 time, ensuring these people can't cross the path of Ji vast sky.
Coming to Ji vast sky is muddle-minded for nine days, always shut a double eye, fierce hate a sky always not dare to disturb him, also not make anyone disturb him, the having been following behind silently beats some everything for him.
The time in the tenth day, he remains air vacant, a connect become a few directions, the time in dead hour go to a yellow sand to cover with strangely, there the strong breeze isn't only, Huang Sha is aroused of hide for a sky, cover ground, obstruct the person's view line.
His a head of drilled into a crazy sand to wreak havoc strangely, speed unexpectedly again quick several cents, fierce hate naturally and perhaps him to occupy and quickly close on the heels of afterward.
This is one to compare be strange for geezer, don't know why, here always have strong wind to roar and shout, on silent dead hour, the fierce breeze binds a crazy sand to dance in the wind of orotund as if the ghost cry and sound to person's a kind of greatly terrified felling.
After arriving this place, his speed is more and more quick, went to nearly have two hours, received in the color of the sky bright of time, the crazy sand wreaks havoc of front, unexpectedly have a beautiful soul the spectacular sight the view.
The megalith in a piece of piece of ash yellow piles up into weird temple of a shape, these temples are high big magnificent, and the top makes people are very shocking.
This is like another world, those temple some years, seem to be some through the long sandstorm decrepit, Ji vast sky in these temples vacant behavior, arrive at here behind, he is to have a target, megalith knew to evade confrontation with to block off road, step by step toward front thorough.
Is fierce the feeling for hating celestial spirits is in vain dignified, he suddenly realizes the strange territory of Ji vast sky, there is anything but no reason.
At vast have no Jian of in the desert, he goes all the way and unexpectedly goes directly to this marvellous place and be like original know this place, after getting into here.His speed slowed down 1:00, the air still kept dazing, stage by stage go toward inside go deep into.
The Tuo crosses mountains strong hold tight easy Jia, easily soft, quietly arrived fierce hate for a sky, side in the body, easy Jia and easily soft these two young girls, click the tongue in curiosity in, fight Ya ground to hope a body side a shape is weird, but the temple of excrescent grand view.
Easy Jia, easily soft in a short while see temple at the side of body, in a short while hope front vacant walk of Ji vast sky.In whisper the confabulation wears, in the their 2 people's eyes, the Ji vast sky becomes mysterious a while.
""Is fierce old, vast sky, how will the vast sky touch here?"The Tuo crosses mountains strong lean to fierce hate a sky, one face is weird.
Being fierce to hate is wrinkly for a sky eyebrows, didn't see cross mountains toward the Tuo strong, the paper voice asked a way:""Is small strong, what's wrong?"
"" I once saw a book volume that explained numerous private's religious sections in Western Regions before, up once related these shape strange temple, this""" this wased the Ao Luo's absolute being to teach a special temple of the gods."The Tuo crosses mountains strong full face astonishment, shout low a way:""Vast sky how can anyone know this place?In Western Regions, all Ao Luo's absolute beings teach of the temple of the gods be all taught by the Mo Ni to destroyed.Here, here how have the ancient temple that so many Ao Luo's absolute being teach?, Is this it legendary Ao Luo's absolute being that teach disappeared sanctuary?""" Disappear of sanctuary?"Is fierce to hate for a sky, eyebrows a wrinkly, ask a way:""Say to know 1:00?""" The preceding generation Ao Luo's absolute being teach of religious leader psyche not after returning, the Ao Luo's absolute being's teaching has been being placed in to didn't status of religious leader, is exactly as it does, the Mo Ni teaches to rise and replaces the Ao Luo's absolute being to teach gradually in the position of Western Regions.It is said that the religious leader that teaches from the Ao Luo's absolute being not at behind, the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches of the total sanctuary disappear infinite big Mo at the son in, only the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches most the follower of a religion of core and just knows the position of this total sanctuary."
"So many in the last yearses, the Mo Ni teaches of the person is searching the position of this total sanctuary everywhere, want to ruin the groundwork that the Ao Luo's absolute being teach thoroughly.The person teaching in spite of the Mo Ni unfortunately how make great effort, all could not touch proper channel, the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches remain at secretly activity wear, the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches still not small in the influence in person in Western Regions, of so the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches immortalization, it is said that be because total sanctuary still at."
Walk on this total sanctuary among, the Tuo crosses mountains strong all have already grown difficult to express pressure, in normal times inside voice biggest of he, the voice presses very lowly.
The Tuo crosses mountains strong talk of time, easy Jia and easily soft 2 people also all in earnest listen to, when the Tuo crosses mountains strong this is some kind of to finish speaking behind, the easily soft Zheng is big eye, in a soft voice ask a way:""He, he how can recognizes here?""Am I how can anyone know?"The Tuo crosses mountains strong wry smile.
Even now, front a cake of huge matchless rock, flew out from an ancient temple top, kept to hit toward several people.
A piece of rock together, surroundings thou the rock a cake of of the temple top immediately after a cake of flew out, fall on together fierce hate sky and Tuo to cross mountains a strong etc. person.
The color being fierce to hate celestial spirits is constant, seeming to be early to know will have this kind of attack to inherit, and the round of hot sun suddenly flew out and turned 1 turn in the public top of head.
Is a piece of piece of huge rock, change into crushed stones under the round of the hot sun, dispersed drop into, having no a piece of rock can fall front to march forward of in the Ji vast sky body.
A sting eyes strong light from fierce hate for a sky, in hand release a strong light later on, the front eliminated an unimpeded road.
A knoll the ancient temple of Gao, tower aloft at right ahead, this ancient temple particularly big, ratio surroundings of temple Gao decuple, that temple up has a stone door and comes out a Western Regions old man with emaciated from the stone door at this time, these people are like in the big Mo of do corpse, whole body be like have no some humidity, like the old tree dried by air.
Several ten Western Regions old mans, whole is this shape, the look in the eyes Yin is cold, crary look in the eyes have a kind of only religious monomania to just have, these old man's real strenght in Western Regions differ most of also have five lines of days of territory of fix for, among them**sky, seven of superior big someone of the territory at, in the stone door in the temple's topmost square, sit upright for two gossip sky for most being like an old man who do the corpses of territory!
These two whole bodies are very thin, coagulate together view line at fierce hate for a sky, on body, one among those persons suddenly stood and pointed at fierce hate a sky to use not smooth to ask a way in the dialect:"You, who are you ?How can anyone know we the Ao Luo's absolute being teach of total sanctuary?"Is fierce to hate for a sky, the eyebrows is deep lock, Ji vast sky looking at to run about before continuing into, obviously some hesitant.
The superior of two gossip skies of territory, and several ten five lines of days, **sky, seven of the strong of territory, such a person tiger view Dan Dan the ground hope them, was even if fierce to hate a sky to also realize a crisis.
In this time, the Ji vast sky remains air vacant, don't know dangerous situation that they face, still and just and step by step walks toward that biggest ancient temple to, this lets fierce hate a sky some difficult.
At fierce a blunt sky of ferocious mien hating when a sky is hesitant suddenly came out on explosion of body from the Ji vast sky, the uncanny blood-red color difference emitted to divert from his lower abdomen only, cold evil different in the Yin of this strangely in, air vacant, but whole body ferocious mien blunt sky, the lower abdomen has the Ji vast sky of blood-red color different light and seem to be thus alternative.
Those are two have a gossip for sky of territory of privates in the skies, original F through all uprisings, air not and kindly plan to fierce hate a sky, they began.
Suddenly, the 2 people's facial expression is shivering on changing, marvelously hopes at the same time to Ji vast sky, these 2 people livelong Leng quite a few second, just shiver voice, get up with the confabulation of the words Gong inside in Western Regions Gu Xi.
Led in a short while, "stem corpse" in one among the Western Regions suddenly pointed at Ji vast sky to leap and jump, jubilantly happy, loudly order those with words in Western Regions of private in the sky.
All that privates in the sky in the temple, look in the eyes a steaming hot gets up crazily, many people fly a body to drop down from the temple, complete prostration lie prone on the sandstone of top, mouth in absorb the inside Gu Xi ground to toward Ji vast sky to yell.
Is fierce to hate sky and Tuo to cross mountains strong one face of puzzling, Ji vast sky oddly hope to run about before continuing into, easy Jia and easily soft 2 people then one face of stagnant, see monster similar to looking at Ji vast sky."Is fierce old, see appearance, we kept the change the person whom the Mo Ni teaches, I thought the person teaching these Ao Luo's absolute being, can give an answer."Led in a short while, the Tuo crossed mountains a strong facial expression weird, the bitterness says with smile.
Is fierce to hate a little bit cold for a sky nod, the view line has never left Ji vast sky one Sha.
The Ji vast sky crosses an Ao with complete prostration Luo's absolute being teaches of follower of a religion, the path goes straight toward that ancient temple, the eye sees him to get into temple, fierce hate busy for a sky heel go up.
Two old"stem the corpse", stare together to fierce hate a sky, among them the knows to say to win dialect of" of thou the theest above temple do corpse"loudly way:"Only he can come in, you prohibit to come in!"Is fierce to hate for a sky,beats by dre pro, title hoped that person's one eye, cheerless way:"I want to looking at him!"Soon after he went a step again and tightly kept up with Ji vast sky.
Those two old"stem corpse" are getting more hasty, view the inside Gu Xi the ground is got up with words confabulation in Western Regions and seemed to have what quarrel.
Led in a short while, the old"stem corpse" that knows to win dialect, hastily explanation:"This ancient temple is our holy lands, the outsider absolutely disallows to come in.Although you are very severe, you if really need to come in, we will don't account dealing with of the whole priceses you!"Hesitated for a while, he seemed to guess what, point at hasty voice of Ji vast sky to say:"We, we can't harm him, he is the hope that our Ao Luo's absolute being teaches, and we in no case will harm him!"Is another a top" does corpse", also not head in the Die location.
The vast sky that is fierce to hate a sky to took a look the above 2 people, and then hope to watch from a distance Ji, ponder for a while, just lightly ordered to nod, turned round to back Tuo to cross mountains side in the strong body.
In this time, Ji vast sky F a head of drilled to go into among the ancient temple that this Ao Luo's absolute being teaches.
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